Tado Ando

' Every building has its own unique set of conditions and problems that it must address. A work of architecture can therefore only be a unique solution that can exist in no place other than where it is built.' 

A unique fascination lies with Tado Ando. Not because he is a self taught architect or because he is envisioned to be the most endearing Japanese man to have ever exists but because he's a story teller. With each manipulation of materials a small part of story comes to existence. Every creation is unique. Yet there is a common underlying motive or vision that is prevalent when in presence of his work. That is the inclination to transcend boundaries and to nurture 'places'. 

Regardless of how daring or innovative a space one may create, the issue of 'place' is not so easy a matter that a new value can be generated by a single building. A 'place' is where culture is fostered by existing equally within the minds of all people as a mental landscape into which their memories are inscribed. As such, Tado Ando places (pun intended) a great amount of time and sustained effort that is necessary to initiate something upon it.